Sunday, June 28, 2009

I Dream of Drawing

Still drawing baby, decided to post this sketch up I liked how it turned out. Nuff said have a nice life.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Hardware whoas

Hiya folks! My all-in-one is now just a one. The printing part of my all-in-one went bye bye so I just use is as a scanner now and went and got a high end printer instead. It's pretty awesome cause now I can't print large format images and I can blow up my thumbnails. unfortunately I can scan them on my 8.5x11" scanner so I'll just post some thumbnails of my work in the mean time. Enjoy! :D

Friday, June 12, 2009

Back baby

I made it back from my trip to Florida. Wow what a trip it was really fun going to Universal Orlando and stuff. Oh here is a colored version of my Apes vs. T-rex.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Some stuff

So I was thinking to myself how many kinds of dragon feet I could draw. I decided to do a quick study of dragon feet there's not a lot of variety....but I still liked this study.

It's back

So I got my laptop back. The monitor is fixed and it's been upgraded to 300 gigs of space and 4 gigs of ram, awesome! Unfortunately the power supply is still messed up so I'll get that fixed when I come back from my trip. weh.


This is an original character I made. His name is Rocky. He is a part of a story I want to make.
I decided I better start making character sheets of my characters that way I know what I need to work on and I will always have something to reference when drawing them over and over. Let me now what you think. Peace.

Still making a mess

So yeah, I was thinking about getting a new laptop over the break since my current one is on the frizz, until my dad told me about a new computer shop. I went there to get my laptop serviced and it turns out my laptop problem was only a minor one. So instead of buying a brand new laptop I'm having my current one fixed and upgraded, life is sweet!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Bones to pick.

One last post before I hit the hay. I love Bone, its such a great book. Anyone one loves comics should read this book.

Practice makes perfect

So yeah I'll be finishing my Senior film in the fall so I figured I might as well start working those animation muscle in me again (I didn't really have time during the quarter). So here are so really rough and dirty flash animations one is a head turn and the other is a stick animation don't ask me what that stick guy is doing, I have no idea. P.S. for some reason the head turn won't load so you get the stick man instead. weh!